

3.2 - Creating


'Presenting' is the second aspect of 3.2 'Creating'. It is all about combining text, images and videos to help you present on a topic.

Most pupils have some understanding of presenting software such as PowerPoint, but to truly teach the subject you need to emphasise the variety and range of the technology.


3.2 - Creating

  • Create and edit multimedia components in one or more languages
  • Organise a range of text, image, sound, animation and video for selected purposes.

Skill by Skill

  • Understand that there are a range of Presenting software.
  • Know how to create and edit a presentation by adding, deleting and reorganising slides and changing colour and design.
  • Begin to insert text boxes, graphics, sounds and video files into a presentation.
  • Create a presentation structure from examples given.
  • Add images and crop to a suitable size.
  • Use their presentation to present ideas to an audience.

(EAS ICT Skills Framework)


present     image     text box     crop     resize     slide     background     video     audio    structure     filename     folder

Activity 1

Create a Presentation


Some version of "Do a PowerPoint on Australia / Lions / Celebrity" has been the go-to ICT lesson for most teachers for far too long. Unfortunately, many fall into the trap of assuming their pupils know how to use PowerPoint without ever having been taught the skills. Focus on teaching new and interesting aspects of the technology and PowerPoint or Google Slides will actually become worthwhile again!


  • The focus of the activity is the technology, therefore make sure the pupils have either researched their topic in previous lessons or have clear fact sheets in front of them.
  • Create a folder for the pupils to use to save their work.

Activity Tasks:

  1. Begin by showing a model presentation. You should discuss the different types of media (text, images, video, sound).
  2. Decide as a class what the structure of your presentation will be (e.g. if the topic is Australia, one slide for introduction, one for history, one for food, one for sports etc).
  3. Discuss the different Presenting software available (PowerPoint, Google Slide, Prezi etc) and how different software may suit different audiences.
  4. Show them how to add text boxes and an image to their title slide.
  5. Add, reorganise and delete additional slides, changing background colour and design for different slides.
  6. Add audio files and videos from the computer (or direct from YouTube in the case of videos).
  7. Ensure that they get the opportunity to present their final presentation to an audience (even if the audience is just the rest of the class). Presentations are made to be presented!


  • Depending on your pupils' previous experience, you may have them all work on the same presenting software (e.g. PowerPoint)  but eventually the aim is for the pupils to have the confidence to choose which presentation software to use.
  • Hammer home the message that we don't print everything, only finished work that we want to display. Presentations are primarily there to present, not to print.
  • Discuss the difference between saving on the computer (locally) and on the server (network). Maybe even take them to see the school server so they appreciate what it actually is.

Success Criteria

  • I can insert text boxes, images, video and sound into a presentation.
  • I can crop images to the correct size.
  • I can change background colour and design for my slides.

Other Framework Elements

1.3 - Digital Rights

You can have a discussion about copyright of images online and how we should give credit.

2.2 - Collaboration

If you are using Office 365 or Google Slides then have pupils collaborate on a presentation by working simultaneously on separate computers.

2.3 Storing and Sharing

Teach your pupils to save the work in the right folder, with an appropriate filename, saves you so much time down the line! Remember to teach them to open as well as to save.

3.1 Planning, Sourcing and Searching

Discuss what keywords to use when searching online for images.

3.3 Evaluating and Improving

Your usual peer-assessment and/or self-assessment.


present     image     text box     crop     resize     slide     background     video     audio    structure     filename     folder

Variation Ideas

A presentation is one of the most versatile technology skill there is. You can choose any topic under the sun for your lesson. Just remember that you have to explicitly teach these skills, don't just tell them to create a PowerPoint!

Activity 2

Castle Mosaic

Welsh Castles Mosaic

To practice inserting images, resizing and cropping them, this task will have the pupils create a mosaic of a castle, using images of Welsh castles as the building blocks.


  • There is no preparation needed for this task. However, it would be useful if the pupils knew the names of some of Wales' many castles.

Activity Tasks:

  1. Look at some example mosaics of the type they'll be creating.
  2. Open a publishing programme (Publisher, PowerPoint, Google Slides) and an internet browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge).
  3. Search online for images of Welsh castles, copy and paste them into the presentation. They will need a lot of pictures.
  4. Move, resize and crop images (this must be taught!) to create an image of a castle, made out of all the smaller images.
  5. Print to the correct printer.


  • Don't assume they know how to resize without distorting the image (from the corners) and how to crop. Model this and have some confident pupils at the ready to help those who struggle.
  • Choosing a printer from which to print is something we have to show the pupils, otherwise they'll never know how to do it.

Success Criteria

  • I can find, copy and paste images from the web into my work.
  • I can resize images without distorting them and crop them when needed.
  • I can save my work in the right folder with a good filename.

Other Framework Elements

1.3 - Digital Rights

You can have a discussion about copyright of images online and how we should give credit.

2.3 Storing and Sharing

Teaching your pupils to save the work in the right folder, with an appropriate filename, saves you so much time down the line! Remember to teach them to open as well as save.

3.1 Planning, Sourcing and Searching

Discuss what keywords to use when searching online for images.

3.3 Evaluating and Improving

Your usual peer-assessment and/or self-assessment.


 inserting     resize     drag     image     crop     filename     folder     mosaic

Variation Ideas

This would be a great activity to practice collaboration. Using Google Slides or Office 365, have two pupils work on the same mosaic from different computers. 

If castles don't fit into your theme this term, you can easily amend the task. Pictures of flowers creating a flower, minibeasts to create a spider, toys to create a teddy bear.