
Planning, Sourcing and Searching




This element consists of two very different concepts.

  • 'Planning' refers to the usual pre-task planning that you'd undertake in any subject i.e. identifying success criteria, using them to plan your task.
  • 'Sourcing and Searching' on the other hand is all about finding information and media online by means of effective online searches.


3.1 -Planning, Sourcing and Searching

  • develop own success criteria to be used as a plan.
  • find relevant information using different keywords and search techniques.
  • select an appropriate website from search results and use a range of sources to check its validity.

Skill by Skill

  • Create your own success criteria to use as a basis for your plan.
  • Search online for specific information using different keywords.
  • Use a range of sources to check its validity.

(Additional Skills)


  • Begin to evaluate the information found on the internet and its reliability.

(EAS ICT Skills Framework)


success criteria     plan     mind map     search     keywords     skim     search engine     trustworthy     reliable     sources     verify

Activity 1

Highlight a Model

The planning aspect of this element can be achieved by a variety of planning activities. Your pupils do this type of planning in every subject by discussing success criteria, modelling how to achieve them and creating a plan for their work beforehand. There is no specific need to do this planning using technology, but if you do want to incorporate technology then here is one way of doing so.

labelling example


  • Download an app that allows you to scribe on top of images (Skitch is a good example).
  • Prepare a model example of whatever task you wish you pupils to execute.

Activity Tasks:

  1. Show a model of the main task, whatever it may be, to the pupils and deconstruct it together, highlighting the important elements of that genre.
  2. Have each pupil take a photograph of the model and open it in the scribing app (e.g. Skitch). They can then add labels to their photo highlighting the main elements.
  3. From this work, they can then write up their own success criteria for the main task.


  • Once they have come up with their success criteria, they can then use it as a basis for their plan. See the Popplet activity in Year 3, 3.1 'Planning' for an activity suggestion.

Success Criteria

  • I can discover and label the important elements of this genre.
  • I can identify the success criteria for my task.

Other Framework Elements

3.2 - Creating

They will be building up their 'Creating' skills by combining text and images.


success criteria     label     highlight     annotate     elements

Variation Ideas

This task can be accomplished just as effectively on paper without using technology. Print out copies of your model and have the pupils add labels and highlights to show the main elements.

Activity 2

Effective Keywords 2

Searching online is a skill most adults take for granted. But we also often wrongly assume that children are adept at searching online. Pupils need to be taught how to search for specific information by choosing keywords instead of typing in whole sentences. Pupils began learning this skill in Year 3. This activity enables them to keep practising.

country search

Activity Tasks:

  1. Remind pupils how search engines work. At the most basic level they look at all the words you've typed separately and search for websites containing those words. Websites that have the words in the correct order appear higher in the list. We therefore have to choose the most relevant words.
  2. As a class, you will create an informational video on a country of your choice. What questions should it answer? Make a list of pupils' suggestions, writing out their questions as they say them.
  3. Pick the longest and most waffling question posed, type it into a search engine (e.g. Google). Use your experience of searching online to pick a sentence that will not give a clear answer.
  4. How can we improve the search? As a class, pick out the most important keywords in the question and search again, hopefully getting a better answer than your first result.
  5. Remind the pupils how to skim the results to see which webpage is likely to have the best information. (This is a skill from a Year 3 searching activity).
  6. Every group of pupils selects a country about which to create a video. They should search for all the information that the class wanted to be included in the videos. In their books they should write the original question, the keywords they typed and the information they found.
  7. They can then create a three-bit video on the country they researched (see 3.2 'Creating', 'Photos and Videos').


  • Make sure that you are asking them to search for specific facts to answer specific questions, rather than vaguely searching for any information on a topic.
  • Google has gotten much better at understanding long winded questions. As an example of an ineffective search make sure you find a suitably waffling question!
  • If a Google Answer Box appears, explain that this is Google's attempt to give quick answers to people who type in full questions.

Success Criteria

  • I can turn a question into keywords.
  • I can use keywords and skim through results to find specific information.

Other Framework Elements

1.3 - Digital Rights

You can have a discussion about how giving credit is a sign of respect, and have them also write down the name of each website they used to discover their answers.

2.2 - Collaboration

They could write down their findings on a shared document using Office 365 or Google Docs. This would enable them to view the keywords used by other pupils and adapt them for their own countries.

3.2 - Creating

After they have finished their research, they should create a video to present their findings.


search engine     keywords     effective     relevant     skim     answer     information

Variation Ideas

If you are studying a particular country or continent, this fits in nicely. Similarly, if there's a major sporting tournament coming up (Olympics, Word Cup, Six Nations etc.) it works just as well. Obviously you can change the topic of the task from countries to whatever your topic may be. However, do make sure that they are searching for specific facts to answer their questions, not just vaguely searching for any information on a topic.

Activity 3

Spot the Truth!

Fake Website Explorers

We live in a time of misleading information and so-called 'alternative' facts. Unfortunately, many of our pupils put too much faith in what they read online and it's important that we teach them to verify their facts and not believe everything they read. This activity asks them to do some simple research, but gives them a whole lot of made up facts to catch them out.


  • For once, there's no preparation needed!

Activity Tasks:

  1. Tell your pupils that they will be researching some of the most famous explorers in history. What is an explorer? Can pupils name any?
  2. Present the two golden rules of online research:
    • Write notes in your own words. Don't copy word for word.
    • Only take notes of facts that you actually understand.
  3. Ask them to go online and visit the website
  4. In pairs, pupils click on 'Explorers A to Z' and select an explorer.
  5. They should pick three favourite facts about their explorer to present to the class.
  6. Sit back and wait to see which (if any!) pupils realise that all the facts on this websites are incorrect! (Christopher Columbus did not appear on Larry King Live!)
  7. Once the penny drops, highlight the importance of not believing everything we read online. Teach them how to double check anything that sounds too amazing to be true:
    • Does the website look trustworthy?
    • Who wrote it? Is it an official website?
    • Can you find two more sources to back up the fact?


  • The two golden rules of research are important! Remind the pupils of them often. If they've written a fact that sounds too complicated for their ability, ask them what it means.

Success Criteria

  • I understand that not everything I read online is the truth.
  • I know how to double check facts I find online.

Other Framework Elements

2.2 - Collaboration

They could write down their findings on a shared document using Office 365 or Google Docs. This would enable them to see the keywords other pupils used and adapt them for their own searches.


search     correct     false     confirm     source   

Variation Ideas

This activity can be repeated with any other website that has incorrect facts. We chose since the whole website was created for exactly this type of activity.