
Storing and Sharing



Ask any KS2 teacher what they think about their pupils' saving skills and you're likely to hear tales of woe about losing time in lesson after lesson due to work not being saved correctly. But are they too young to save for themselves in Year 1? Not at all!

In Year 1, pupils should start naming their work when saving.



2.3 - Saving and Sharing

  • save work using a familiar word as a filename, e.g. child's name/keyword.

Skill by Skill

  • Save work locally, with support.

(EAS ICT Skills Framework)


save     open     button     work     folder     filename

Focus Tasks

Save, Save, Save!


There are three steps to saving correctly, and these steps need to be clearly taught at this early age.

  1. Remember to click the 'Save' button. Pupils should have developed this habit in the Nursery, but regular reminders are still important.
  2. Save in the correct folder. Don't worry too much about this aspect at this stage. If you are using software such as Purple Mash or J2E then the correct folder will usually be chosen automatically.
  3. Choose an appropriate filename. Even in KS2, many pupils will not name their documents, or name them in a way that makes them hard to identify at a later date. Teach your pupils that when they save, they should type their name and the name of the work e.g. 'Dafydd - Santa letter'. (Obviously you will need to give them the work title to copy each time.)

The key, as with most skills, is to model and give opportunities for practise.


  • Make it clear to the pupils why they are saving. Re-open their work on a different device to show them what saving means.

Enhanced Provision

Save Everything

  • Make sure there's big pictures next to your computers of the different Save buttons they may come across (depending on the software you use in class, possibly Purple Mash or J2E).
  • Everytime a pupil uses a computer, be it for a focused task or as enhanced provision, encourage them to save their project. (Remember to give them the title to copy as part of their filename).