Evaluating and Improving
Activity Suggestions
This element requires the pupils to comment on whether or not they achieved the success criteria. Here are a few suggestions as to how you could incorporate technology into such an activity.
- Fill a Book Creator project with photos of pupils at work. Each child (with support) creates a voice recording (or video) explaining what they were doing in the pictures, what went well and what didn't.
- Have them take a photo of their work and, after you insert it into a Book Creator project, the pupils can record a video or a voice recording explaining what they did and what went well. They can also describe what did not go so well.
- Hang some impressive pieces of work on the wall/string. Pupils use a small voice recording device (peg, whiteboard etc. - there are many such tools on sale to schools) to describe what they did in that task and how well they did.
- Using an iPad, pupils film each other identifying what went well and what did not, and why.
Remember that the focus is the evaluation. They need to explain what went well, what didn't go well and why they think that is.