
Evaluating and Improving




'Evaluating and Improving' is a cornerstone of teaching and learning.

You do not necessarily need to use technology to master this element of the Digital Competency Framework. Whatever self-assessment and peer-assessment techniques your pupils are familiar with can be used.

Having said that, there are excellent ways to use technology effectively for self and peer assessment. You'll find a few suggestions below.


3.3 - Evaluating and Improving

  • explain reasons for layout and content of own work, e.g. evaluate the presentation for audience and appropriateness
  • ensure output is appropriate for specific purpose
  • comment on reasons for layout and content
  • invite feedback/responses from others, e.g. use 'comment' in Word Online/Excel Online for asking questions or adding suggestions
  • create groups and share work between them to allow review of work.

Skill by Skill

  • Explain the reasons for the choices (on both content and layout) made in their work.
  • Regularly review work in groups and act on feedback given.


self-assessment     peer assessment     mistake     correcting     comment     constructive     improve     strength

Activity Suggestions

  1. Have them take a photo of the work and insert it into Explain Everything on the iPad. They should then annotate and record a voiceover giving their feedback and explaining why they made certain choices.
  2. Split your class into 'Review Groups'. Have each group create a folder in their online drives (Google Drive or OneDrive) where they regularly insert examples of their work. Every couple of weeks, set aside a lesson for the pupils in their group to review each others work and comment on it.
  3. Make a green screen (see Year 5, 3.2c - Photos and Videos) or a Tellagami explaining some of the choices they made in their work. Include a photo or video clip of their work.
  4. When the pupils make Presentation work, using their own choice of software, make sure they consider and then explain their design decisions (background, text colour, images etc.) and how they relate to the topic.
explain everything