
Identity, Image and Reputation




'Identity, Image and Reputation' involves keeping our personal data safe online. In Year 1 we look at what counts as 'personal and private' information and what to do when a website asks for it.


1.1 - Identity, Image and Reputation

  • understand that information put online leaves a digital footprint or trail, e.g. explain the meaning of digital footprint and encourage them to think critically about the information they leave online
  • identify the steps that can be taken to keep personal data and hardware secure, e.g. understand usernames and passwords, why we have them and how they are kept safe.


private     personal     information     websites

The Citizenship strand is slightly different from the other three in that it focuses as much on information as it does on skills. There are also Online Safety year-by-year schemes of learning created by South West Grid for Learning on behalf of the Welsh Government which cover much of the Citizenship strand. This resource can be found on Hwb (link below)


Online Safety Resource for Wales

We therefore restrict ourselves in the Citizenship strand to a few quick suggestions for activities, focusing on those few aspects of Citizenship not covered by the SWGfL schemes.

Activity Suggestions

Understanding the digital footprint

Lesson 2, Year 2 of the SWGfL Online Safety schemes of learning is called 'Follow the Digital Trail' and has a collection of resources and activity ideas that deals with this aspect of the element thoroughly.

Identifying steps to keep personal information private

  • Ask your pupils what keeps our information safe online? How can they be sure their friends won't log into their online school accounts (e.g. Hwb, Purple Mash, Sumdog)?
  • Discuss why we have passwords, compare them to a lock on a safe.
  • Ask them who can they share their password with? (Parent / Guardian, teacher). Remind them that not even their best friend should have access to their password.