
Storing and Sharing




"Are you sure you saved it?" "In which folder did you save it?" "What computer did you use in the last lesson?" How many minutes in how many lessons have been wasted in such conversations? Teaching your pupils to save properly is not only an important skill, it will save you and them hours of frustration in the long term!

In Year 5, pupils should become the masters of their own domain, searching, saving, renaming, moving and deleting files and folders in their own drive, and understanding why an external drive, such as an USB pen, may be needed in some instances.


2.3 - Storing and Sharing

  • back up files to a second or third storage device, e.g. removable storage device, network drive
  • search for a specific file
  • upload files from a local drive to online storage.


Skill by Skill

  • Search for, find, rename, move and save files to the cloud.

(Adapted from EAS ICT Skills Framework)



save     open     server     cloud     local     external     upload     search     rename  

Saving in Detail

Folder Management

We all know what an untidy folder looks like. (Have you seen your school server recently?) Take a look at the 'Where in the Cloud' activity in '2.2 Collaboration' to help teach them to look after their online drives.

External Drives

With the advent of cloud saving, the usefulness of USB drives may be less apparent. Point out that internet access is not always dependable, and with an external drive such as an USB pen we have a backup in case we can't access our cloud document. Whilst this may not always be needed, if we're giving a vital presentation or absolutely have to print a certain document today, then having a plan B on an USB drive is a good idea!

Searching for Files

Every server or cloud your pupils have been using to save their work will have a search function. On the school server, all you can really do is search by name, but show them the depth of search possible in Google Drive or OneDrive. You can search by name, date, owner, type of file etc. It's so easy to find that missing file. The 'Where in the Cloud' activity in 2.2 - 'Collaboration' focuses on this.


What enjoyment is there in making a video or designing a poster if nobody ever gets to see it. Every finished video task should be shown to the class, at the very least. Every poster should be displayed. Saving in the cloud enables pupils to share with their parents as well, using QR codes. Teach them how to do this to save yourself having to create 30 QR codes!

Saving is not hard to teach or learn. Just teach them exactly how it's done and they'll do it perfectly all year long!