
Problem Solving and Modelling




When you discuss the new Framework with primary teachers, they always talk about coding, often in a slightly fearful voice. They imagine a black screen full of gibberish code, and wonder how on earth they are supposed to teach it to their 10 year olds. But the term coding doesn't even appear in the Framework! What does appear is this element - 'Problem Solving and Modelling'.

This element involves identifying a problem, breaking it down into manageable parts, spotting patterns and solving the problem. 

We use coding as one way to teach the skills of this element, but there really is no need to fear it. Problem Solving and Modelling is fun, and considerably simpler than you've been imagining. Bee-Bots, Logo, writing instructions - these are things you've been teaching for decades, and the simple coding activities listed below are only an extension of these skills.


4.1 - Problem solving and modelling

  • demonstrate how programs or processes run by following a sequence of instructions exactly and in order
  • demonstrate how an algorithm is useful for representing a solution to a problem through testing
  • understand that changing instructions can affect or even terminate a process, e.g. moving instructions around in a program could produce unexpected outcomes or cause the program to fail altogether.

Skill by Skill

  • Write a real world algorithm to represent a sequence of instructions using loops or procedures and Yes/No splits (Boolean Values).
  • Fill in missing symbols on an incomplete flow chart.
  • Using a simplified programming environment, program several sprites to move on command in different directions and at different speeds.
  • Debug code to identify errors when trying to make several sprites move in different directions and speeds in a simplified programming environment.
  • Independently create a character, number or text that repeat an action when text is entered.
  • Using a simplified programming environment, add several buttons to different sources such as websites.
  • With support, follow and amend pre-made instructions to create a simple animation or game using full visual programming on a program such as Kodu or Scratch.

(EAS ICT Skills Framework)


 sprite     background     debug     error     correct     loop     repeat     boolean     input

Activity 1

The Untouchable Maze

scratch maze game

Your pupils will have some experience of a full coding environment from their Year 4 work with the colour changing cat. They will now extend their skills by creating a fully fledged maze game, copying some crucial code and adding their own twists.


  • Create an account and familiarise yourself with a visual Coding software. Scratch is highly recommended and free online. (Another option is J2Code which is part of J2E)
  • Using the step by step in the link below, practise the activity your pupils will be doing and create a model maze game.

Activity Tasks

  • Remind pupils how to build simple code in Scratch. (See Year 4 Chameleon Cat Coding activity)
  • Show them the simple maze game you have created. (See video above for step by step instructions).
  • Ask them to create their own controllable sprite (from the selection in Scratch, from a web image or from their own drawing) by creating four simple codes to move in each direction.
  • Ensure they can always see the vital 'Back to Start' and 'Item Collected' codes by printing them out or displaying them on your white board.
  • Pupils should create the maze by painting on to the background.
  • They should add the 'Back to Start' code and test it out.
  • The next step is to add some collectable items that disappear when touched and some sort of object to denote the end of their maze.
  • As a challenge, more advanced pupils can add enemies that will send you back to the start when touched.
  • Once the mazes are complete, ensure everyone gets plenty of time to play each other's games!


  • This activity is likely to take a few lessons. Don't rush it.
  • Let their imagination run free. Not every maze has to look the same.
  • If you have very confident coders in your class, let them add more to their game e.g. points for collecting items, a second level, a 'Game Over' screen if touched by an enemy. Codes for all these ideas can be found with a Google search.

Success Criteria

  • I can code a game on a full visual platform using example code.
  • I can vary sprites, backgrounds and codes to make my game interesting.

Other Framework Elements

3.2 - Creating

You are creating a game.

3.3 - Evaluating and Improving

Your usual peer-assessment and/or self-assessment.


code     sprite (character)     blocks     instructions     scene

Variation Ideas

There are plenty of other games that Year 6 pupils should be able to code if you give them some example codes. A racing game, a platform game or a whack a mole type game are all examples that some teachers have used in class. Just look around on Google for more ideas.